Too much rich foods this holiday season? Try Digestionè to help soothe and support digestive system.

Digestionè is a one of BellaVita's amazing Mediterranean Essential oil blends that soothe and support your digestive system the natural way! Just add a couple of drops to a glass of water and taste the refreshing mint, ginger, and peppermint. 

Blood Orange: Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, strengthens immune system
Peppermint: Soothes digestive and nervous systems
Anise: Supports digestive activity, carminative
Fennel: Anti-spasmodic, carminative, laxative
Cardamom: Stimulates the digestive and immune systems
Ginger:Supports digestive system, laxative
Parsley: Soothes the stomach. A mild laxative and helps remove toxins from the body.
Allspice: Stimulates digestive system, helps maintain proper metabolism, strong anti-oxidant
Black Pepper: Carminative, supports digestive system
Oregano: Improves digestion, metabolism, and stimulates immune system
Clove Bud: Improves circulation and detoxification, stimulates immune system, carminative

Learn more about all of our essential oils on our blog


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